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The Rise of Antique Reproduction Furniture and How it Came to Pass

How good are you at spotting an antique piece of furniture from a replica? The chances are, not very, as not many of us are. Unless you’ve dedicated your career to buying, selling, and studying antiques, then it’s pretty darn difficult to differentiate. Which is why we have seen a large rise in the popularity of antique reproduction furniture. People can pay a fraction of the price, for a gorgeous, timeless looking piece of furniture which is built to stand the test of time. But what else is it that has contributed towards this change and why are they so popular?

1 – Antiques are hard to come by

Finding a specific piece of antique furniture in good condition and at a reasonable price is far easier said than done. In fact, often people will have to spend months searching for a certain style without any guarantee of finding that they’re looking for. This is why people have been opting for antique reproduction furniture instead. Sure, it’s not the real deal, but honestly, who’s going to notice and why would you care?

2 – Antique style looks amazing

The fact is, people love the antique style but aren’t prepared to pay the ridiculous price tag. Unless you’re a collector, there’s no reason to spend out on an authentic piece, when instead you can opt for an exceptional replica. The antique style is so popular at the moment, that many people favour an antique and modern mix interior, boasting the best of both worlds.

3 – Designed to your tastes

Another great benefit is that if you go through the right antique reproduction company, you can have furniture designed specifically to your tastes. For example, if you want some modern baroque style furniture with an antique twist, then it is entirely within the realms of possibility! If you want it, it’s yours! Not sure what baroque is? Follow the link for more info and see if the style takes your fancy!

4 – Quality guaranteed

Another huge selling point is the quality of the furniture. Why spend so much money on a seat that you’re unable to sit on without fear of breaking it? Or a dinner table that you can’t sit down as a family to eat at. The best thing about going down the antique reproduction route is the fact that you can actually use your furniture with confidence, safe in the knowledge that the piece has been designed using modern, tried and tested methods and will stand the test of time.

5 – Warrantee

Can you imagine receiving warrantee on a 200-year-old wardrobe? Probably not! However, when you have a piece of antique furniture reproduced for you, you’ll receive a quality guarantee from the manufacturer. It’s the little things like this that have contributed significantly to the rise in popularity of antique reproduction furniture. So, the question is, why bother buying old, when you can get brand new instead?

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